Steiner Insurance Group

2413 Wilcox Dr
Norman, OK 73069

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Do you need to be wealthy to need umbrella insurance?

People who understand what umbrella insurance is and does know that wealth isn’t required for umbrella insurance. At Steiner Insurance Group in Nashville, NC, we are an independent agency with the answers you need to make an educated decision. We provide more choices from the multiple carriers that we can offer to our customers. 

The name umbrella insurance describes how the insurance protects you. Think of umbrella insurance as a natural umbrella, and you are your assets. As your umbrella protects you from the rain, your umbrella policy protects you from the perils that could damage your financial situation. 

Umbrella insurance is extra liability coverage that you can add to another insurance policy with liability coverage. Umbrella insurance is not a stand-alone policy; it raises the liability limit on your primary policy. Many policies have liability coverage, such as home, auto, boat condo, rental, and motorcycle insurance. 

When there is an accident, and you are responsible, or you or a family member injures someone, there can be a lot of costs involved. Your liability coverage on your primary policy will pay up to its limit, and then the umbrella policy will kick in. It can pay for medical expenses, property damage, legal fees, and a judgment against you. Most umbrella policies begin at around a million dollars. 

No matter what your assets are like, small or large, you can still benefit from an umbrella policy. You don’t have to be wealthy to need umbrella insurance; it protects anyone with any amount of wealth. 

At Steiner Insurance Group in Nashville, NC, we are here to help you decide if umbrella insurance is right for you. Give us a call to make an appointment today. 

Partner Carriers

  • american-modern
  • cna
  • encompass
  • foremost
  • hagerty
  • kemper
  • mdow
  • mercury
  • northstar
  • progressive
  • safeco
  • statewide-general
  • travelers